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DMA Students Win at AMA International Collegiate Conference

April 06, 2009

Drexel University's LeBow College of Business Drexel Marketing Association (DMA) students Paul D'Orio, Sarah Antolini and Justin Rosenblum took home 1st prize in the American Marketing Association's (AMA) International Collegiate Conference business simulation contest. The conference, which was designed to provide the ultimate marketing experience and included advanced knowledge, leading-edge practices and networking opportunities, was held in New Orleans from March 26-30.

Manual Romano, DMA president, won 3rd place in the Web site competition. Also attending the conference were LeBow College students Victoria Lam, Briget Kleinberg, and Krupa Desai.

Rosenblum said that for the business simulation contest, his team was sequestered in a conference room for about seven hours with students from other schools across the country. "We were up against some big schools such as the University of Pennsylvania and Pennsylvania State University, and beat them both," Rosenblum said. "Our team was also relatively small compared to that of our competitors. We had three students participating, while Penn State had almost 10. We definitely felt very proud coming out on top."

D'Orio said that past experiences with other simulators at LeBow College really helped the team succeed. "Our previous experience with Mike's Bikes, PharmaSim and Markstrat business simulators greatly contributed to our preparation for the competition. Between the three of us, we had participated in five unique business simulations," said D'Orio.

"We saw an opportunity early on during the competition and took full advantage of it.  Implementing this and further strategies from the business simulations conducted in BUSN 101, MKTG 301 and MKTG 380 were essential to our success in the competition," said D'Orio. "The competition was an incredible way to see how we, as both students and representatives of Drexel University, measured up to other business students and universities around the country."

Rosenblum said, "The conference was a great learning experience overall, and we were able to meet people from all over the country."

The students were escorted by marketing instructor Stanley Kligman, who has served as DMA's faculty advisor for the past two years.


Pictured, top row, from left: Paul D'Orio, Manuel Romano, Prof. Stanley Kligman, and Justin Rosenblum. Bottom row, from left: Victoria Lam, Sarah Antolini, Briget Kleinberg, and Krupa Desai.


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