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Drexel marketing professor Stanley Kligman says last week's storms threw in another monkey wrench. "Last week was a bad week. It was cold, snowy, rainy, and gas prices were high. People did not come to malls as returns would have like them to have," Professor Kligman said.

One such amateur covered-bridge photographer is Roger McCain, an economics professor at Drexel University who in 1994 created a Web site dedicated to old covered bridges in southeastern Pennsylvania, Delaware, Maryland and New Jersey.

The fact of the matter is, most everybody in the industry, certainly analysts, never thought too deeply about these instruments," said Joseph Mason, associate professor of finance at Drexel University in Philadelphia. "The analysts didn't think about the instruments – whether they be RMBS, CDOs or SIVs – as anything different than the typical kind of investment like an equity." He was referring to residential mortgage backed securities, collateralized debt obligations and structured investment vehicles.

They will compete with students from the University of West Florida, Drexel University, the University of North Carolina Greensboro and the graduate program at Fairfield University for cash prizes ranging from $500 to $2,500.

CNBC's "Squawk Box"

Dr. Joseph Mason, associate professor of finance, commented on municipal bond ratings on CNBC's "Squawk Box" on December 10, 2007.

CNBC's "Squawk Box"

Dr. Joseph Mason, associate professor of finance, commented on municipal bond ratings on CNBC's "Squawk Box" on December 10, 2007.

"The five-year freeze on rates is the most troubling part of the proposal," said Joseph Mason, associate professor of finance at Drexel University. "That will create great uncertainty, hurting investors and mortgage-backed security valuations in the secondary market."

"Politicians want to look like they are doing something while not doing something," says Joseph Mason, a professor at Drexel University who studies banking regulation and capital markets. "This plan fits that perfectly."

"These were highly inappropriate investments for taxpayers' money," said Joseph Mason, a finance professor at Drexel University in Philadelphia. "This is the tip of the iceberg for pension funds. We know the paper is sitting there. There are substantial subprime-related losses that haven't shown up yet."

A Marketwatch story about collateralized debt obligations in which Dr. Joseph Mason, associate professor of finance, is quoted was syndicated on CNN’s Web site and and on December 4, 2007.

Some are hoping that the Californian experiment, which builds on Ms Bair’s proposal, will provide a template for a nationwide scheme—if the economics work. They may well. Foreclosure is expensive, typically eating up 20-25% of the loan balance, says Joseph Mason of Drexel University.

``These were highly inappropriate investments for taxpayers' money,'' said Joseph Mason, a finance professor at Drexel University in Philadelphia.

If losses on MBS and CDOs climb high enough, bond insurers may have to pay claims. But unlike a muni bond, these companies have fewer ways to recoup the cost of those payouts, according to Joseph Mason, associate professor of finance at Drexel University and a critic of the industry.

The Philadelphia Inquirer

Basically, it's all a calculated effort to stimulate your Adult Attention Deficit Disorder before you make it to housewares and snatch up mom's coffeemaker, said Stanley A. Kligman, professor of marketing at Drexel University's LeBow College of Business.

"When funds like this are liquidated, the Street will take advantage of their desperation," Joseph Mason, a finance professor at Drexel University, told Bloomberg. "They don't care if you're a hedge fund or a school district

Denver Post

"Securitization became a driver for new mortgage-product development, which increased homeownership and home prices," said Joseph Mason, an associate professor of finance at Drexel University who has studied risk in mortgage markets.

The people who withdrew were right to withdraw,&#39;&#39; said <strong>Joseph Mason</strong>, finance professor at <strong>Drexel University</strong> in Philadelphia and a former economist at the U.S. Treasury Department. The people who trusted in the good faith of the pool's management were burned. This is a severe blow if not a death knell to the concept of state-run investment pools.''

The Securities and Exchange Commission awards that seal of approval. Until just a few years ago, the only NRSROs were, you guessed it, Standard and Poor's, Moody's and Fitch. Joseph Mason teaches finance at Drexel University.

Some are hoping that the Californian experiment, which builds on Ms Bair's proposal, will provide a template for a nationwide scheme—if the economics work. They may well. Foreclosure is expensive, typically eating up 20-25% of the loan balance, says Joseph Mason of Drexel University. Modification means smaller cash flows but also fewer defaults.

The Miami Herald

When local governments withdraw funds from the pool, the state must sell off holdings to raise the cash. Because Florida's pool has been forced to quickly raise billions of dollars to meet withdrawal demands, it won't get top dollar for its asset sales, says Joseph Mason, professor of finance at Drexel University.

When local governments withdraw funds from the pool, the state must sell off holdings to raise the cash. Because Florida's pool has been forced to quickly raise billions of dollars to meet withdrawal demands, it won't get top dollar for its asset sales, says Joseph Mason, professor of finance at Drexel University.

Philadelphia Inquirer

Oil prices also are rising from tensions with Iran and its neighbors, said Shawkat Mammoudeh, a Drexel University economist who has studied the oil industry for nearly 30 years.

Good Day Philadelphia on WTFX-TV (Fox 29)

Dr. Stanley Kligman, marketing instructor at the LeBow College of Business, was interviewed on Good Day Philadelphia on WTFX-TV (FOX 29) about holiday shopping on November 26, 2007.

USA Today

If bond insurers and the muni bonds they back get downgraded, the potential economic damage could ripple from Wall Street to Main Street, hurting local governments, consumers and taxpayers, says Joseph Mason, a Drexel University finance professor.

Miami Herald

State officials have no business putting taxpayer money into debt investments that have baffled even Wall Street executives, says Joseph Mason, finance professor at Drexel University in Philadelphia and a former economist at the U.S. Treasury Department.

As Joseph R. Mason, finance professor at Drexel University, and Joshua Rosner, managing director of the institutional research firm of Graham Fisher & Co., noted in a paper earlier this year: "We believe that efforts to provide transparency to these new product areas can foster stability while maintaining liquidity to the underlying collateral sectors." It's either that, or it's the end of pretending that banks have no role in the process besides turning loans into securities.

KTKK-AM (NMC/ABC) American Advisor

Dr. Joseph Mason, associate professor of finance, was quoted on The American Adviser on KTKK-AM (NBC/ABC), Salt Lake City, from an earlier Bloomberg interview program, on November 19, 2007.

Bloomberg Radio

Dr. Joseph Mason, associate professor of finance at the Bennett S. LeBow College of Business, commented regarding sub-prime effects on pension funds on Bloomberg Radio, November 15, 2007.

CN8 "Money Matters Today"

President Papadakis was featured on CN8's live broadcast from the Main Building Auditorium of "Money Matters Today" on November 14, 2007. The special episode of the program was "How to Get a Job" and also featured Dr. George P. Tsetsekos, dean of LeBow College of Business; Dr. Donna M DeCarolis, head of the management department in LeBow College of Business and academic director of the Laurence A. Baiada Center for Entrepreneurship in Technology; and Nicole Gay, auxiliary instructor for Co-op 101 in the Steinbright Career Development Center.

CN8 "Money Matters Today"

President Papadakis was featured on CN8's live broadcast from the Main Building Auditorium of "Money Matters Today" on November 14, 2007. The special episode of the program was "How to Get a Job" and also featured Dr. George P. Tsetsekos, dean of LeBow College of Business; Dr. Donna M DeCarolis, head of the management department in LeBow College of Business and academic director of the Laurence A. Baiada Center for Entrepreneurship in Technology; and Nicole Gay, auxiliary instructor for Co-op 101 in the Steinbright Career Development Center.