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Business week

The Importance of Attitude Yes, entrepreneurs need to network, but don't ignore the importance of cockiness. So argue three researchers, from Drexel University, Penn State University, and Northeastern University, in answer to this question: "What differentiates the well-connected entrepreneur from the well-connected non-entrepreneur?" They maintain, based on anecdotal observation and research, that "it is not enough to be 'well connected.' Individuals with higher levels of overconfidence and lower levels of risk perception are more prone to start new ventures.... Having a network of people and resources to rely on augments overconfidence and new venture creation.

The Hellenic News of America

we revamped our MBA curriculum to respond to and anticipate future trends in the changing business landscape. The result was a dynamic program of study to serve as a basis for the future leaders that integrates leadership and ethics, technology management and industry perspectives. When our five-year strategic plan launched a year later, we embarked on an ambitious agenda to construct an outstanding center of business excellence and innovate our graduate and undergraduate offerings to meet the growing needs of the global marketplace.

Business Week

BusinessWeek noted the popularity of LeBow College of Business' personal-finance courses on March 7, 2007. At Drexel, business students enrolled in Individual Financial Strategy have to do in-class presentations about whether they should buy or lease a car or if it's a good time for them to purchase a home, based on historical rates of interest on loans. Instructor Jodi Cataline says she wants her students to learn from the mistakes she made with money when she first graduated, which is why she shares stories about her past. "This information is about personal, day-to-day interactions you will have with money," says Cataline. "It's not just about corporate finance. Even business students have trouble."

Washington Post

Subprime losses also might foreshadow losses on other new securities. Some of these bundle other loans: auto loans, credit card loans, business loans.

Market Watch

In mortgage market's next big blowup, many Americans face losing their home

Dr. Joseph Mason, associate professor of finance, was quoted in a story on March 22, 2007, on subprime lenders.

Dr. Joseph Mason, associate professor of finance, was noted in a story on February 26, 2007, as a co-author of a study on mortgage-backed securities.

Yahoo! Finance

The New York Times cited a paper co-written by Dr. Joseph Mason, associate professor of finance, in its February 18, 2007, edition. The paper notes that insufficient transparency in the market of collateralized debt obligations, significant changes in asset composition and a credit rating industry ill-equipped to assess market risk and operational weaknesses could result in a broad financial decline. Another story that noted the paper was published on the Yahoo! Finance site on February 20. Dr. Mason also commented on mortgage news on CNBC's Street Signs program on February 20.

The Washington Times

Dr. Joseph Mason, associate professor of finance, was quoted in an article published on February 16, 2007, in the Washington Times about an increase in interest rates for mortgages in the upcoming months

Delaware Online

Stephen P. Mullin, adjunct professor of economics, was noted in The News Journal (Wilmington, Del.) on February 14, 2007, for joining the board of directors of the Partnership for the Delaware Estuary, a nonprofit program serving portions of Delaware, New Jersey and Pennsylvania

City Paper

Drexel alumnae Robin Miller, Rachel Levin and Kristin Dudley and their LympheDIVAs products were featured in a City Paper story on January 18, 2007. Mark Loschiavo, executive director of the Baiada Center for Entrepreneurship in Technology, is quoted in the story.

Hellenic News of America

Dr. George Tsetsekos, dean of the LeBow College of Business, was noted in The Hellenic News of America on January 12, 2007 as the keynote speaker of the 16th Hermes Expo Trade Show and Exhibition, which will be held in April in Atlantic City, N.J.

Realty Times

Also last week, new questions arose in Washington about mortgage bond investors' willingness to continue funding the subprime sector to the extent that it has in recent years. At a conference organized by the Hudson Institute, two mortgage securities market experts-Joseph R. Mason, an economics professor at Drexel University, and Joshua Rosner, managing director of hedge fund adviser Graham Fisher & Co.-said the relaxation of lending standards during the housing boom years has led to a rising tide of subprime borrower delinquencies, and could send investors scurrying to the exit door, especially if home values also decline.

New York Times

Dr. Mason on Subprime Mortgages.

New York Times

Dr. Mason on subprime loans.

The Lenders Line

Dr. Mason on subprime lending


Failed subprime loan company and Dr. Joe Mason's comments on this type of lending.

Calculated Risk

Dr. Mason quoted in blog about the effects of subprime lending.

Dr. Joe Mason on the effect of subprime mortgages.

The school seeks career-driven students who are enthusiastic about a co-op education program, says Director of Undergraduate Programs Ian Sladen   If the idea of taking classes part of the year and working for the rest appeals to you, Drexel University's LeBow College of Business might be a perfect fit. The university, located in Philadelphia, has put its own twist on the cooperative education program. Business majors attend classes throughout their freshman year. Then, for the rest of their time at Drexel, they switch back and forth between periods of full-time academic work and full-time employment.

CN8 Money Matters Today

CN8's Money Matters Today featured Mark Loschiavo, executive director of the Baiada Center, in celebration of EntrepreneurshipWeek USA. Loschiavo and Money Matters Today host, Mary Caraccioli, discussed how entrepreneurial activity benefits the economy as well as the resources available to fledgling entrepreneurs such as the Baiada Center Growth Acceleration Program.

New York Times

The New York Times cited a paper co-written by Dr. Joseph Mason, associate professor of finance, in its February 18, 2007, edition. The paper notes that insufficient transparency in the market of collateralized debt obligations, significant changes in asset composition and a credit rating industry ill-equipped to assess market risk and operational weaknesses could result in a broad financial decline. Another story that noted the paper was published on the Yahoo! Finance site on February 20. Dr. Mason also commented on mortgage news on CNBC's Street Signs program on February 20.

Biz Ed Magazine

Dr. Frank Linnehan writes an aritlce about My LIFEfolio

The Evening Bulletin

Alumnus Raj L. Gupta, ’72, a Drexel trustee and chairman, president and CEO of Rohm and Haas Co., was noted in The Evening Bulletin on December 1, 2006 on being honored as Drexel's 53rd Business Leader of the Year.