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Available Databases

Access to LCB-owned databases is restricted to members of the LCB community.

Database Vendor Available To Request Account Access
13f Ownership & Historic Refinitiv Faculty Requesting a WRDS Account WRDS
Audit Analytics IVES Inc. Faculty Requesting a WRDS Account WRDS
Bloomberg Bloomberg Faculty | Student Requesting a Bloomberg Account Gerri C. LeBow Hall 137
BoardEx BoardEx Faculty Contact LeBow Tech How to Access BoardEx
Eventus Cowan Research, L.C. Faculty Requesting a WRDS Account WRDS
Conumer Panel & Retail Scanner Kilts Faculty Request a Kilts Account Kilts Website
Compustat North America S&P Capital IQ Faculty Requesting a WRDS Account WRDS
CRSP Annual Stock Chicago Booth Faculty Requesting a WRDS Account WRDS
CRSP/Compustat Merged Chicago Booth Faculty Requesting a WRDS Account WRDS
CRSP Mutual Funds Chicago Booth Faculty Requesting a WRDS Account WRDS
ExecuComp S&P Capital IQ Faculty Requesting a WRDS Account WRDS
FactSet Connect FactSet Faculty | Student Requesting a FactSet Account FactSet
FactSet Workstation FactSet Faculty | Student Contact FactSet Academic Support How to Install FactSet Workstation
ISS Institutional Shareholder Services, Inc. Faculty Requesting a WRDS Account WRDS
SDC Platinum Refinitiv Faculty Contact LeBow Tech How to Access SDC Platinum

Additional Resources

Drexel University Libraries

In addition to the databases offered through the LeBow College of Business, the Drexel libraries provides access to a number of other databases, books, journals and other resources.

Visit Drexel's Library website to learn more

Drexel’s expert librarians are also available by appointment to discuss course-related projects, strategies for finding and evaluating authoritative information, and approaches to utilizing, organizing and presenting scholarship.

Please send questions or requests to and the libraries’ team of experts will respond within 24 hours.

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LeBow Tech
