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LeBow News
MBA vs. MS

Not sure about the difference between an MBA degree or an masters in business? Compare business degree programs options to find out which is the best fit for you.

2017 Cooperative Education Award Winners

Alexander Bock, an operations and supply chain management major, was recognized for his skill and performance on co-op with Independence Blue Cross.

Bill Powell of ARI Global Fleet Management Services

Bill Powell of ARI Global Fleet Management Services spoke to LeBow students as part of the Business Analytics Speaker Series, sharing how analytics impact his work.

Bridging Practice and Theory Summit

Drexel LeBow hosted its seventh Bridging Practice and Theory Summit, an annual discussion focused on expanding links between research and its implementation in practice.

New tool streamlines end-of-term grade submission and double checks for errors.

Interim Dean Paul Jensen on GHall terrace

Paul Jensen, PhD, will become interim dean of LeBow College effective July 1, following Linnehan's retirement on June 30.

BRIDGE Graduation

The first graduating class of the LeBow BRIDGE program will graduate in June. The College recognized 23 students at a special ceremony on May 13.

General Electric

A panel of business professors from 39 universities rated GE and its CEO Jeff Immelt on statements made Friday on free trade agreements.

Diversity and Inclusion Case Competition

Undergraduate students from five local schools tackled the real world challenge of embracing diversity in business as part of a LeBow case competition sponsored by TD Bank.

Rajneesh Suri, PhD demonstates research findings

Drexel LeBow and SEI announced the findings of an interactive usability study conducted to enhance the SEI Wealth PlatformSM end-client experience.

GIC panelists answering question

On April 21, Drexel LeBow’s School of Economics partnered with the Global Interdependence Center to present the 35th Annual Monetary and Trade Conference titled “De-Globalization – Is It Real?”

Undergrad Datathon Winners

Undergraduate Business Analytics students participated in a seven-hour marathon using data and technical expertise to develop solutions for a business challenge.

BLOY Richard Green

Green is CEO of Firstrust Bank, the largest locally, privately and family owned bank in the region and one of the largest in the U.S.

Analytics Leadership

Companies are on the hunt for analytics executives, but where can they find talent in such a new field?

Arjun Arora, Hong Li and Ran Zhang at INFORMS conference

A team of business analytics graduate students placed fifth out of over 200 teams from around the world in a new competition at the INFORMS conference in Las Vegas.