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Fox Business

New finance research suggests that CEO merger bonus payouts may not be all that shady: bonuses tend to be paid only in low-synergy transactions involving less-desirable companies that may not otherwise be sold, or to compensate CEOs for the fact they're likely to lose their current job.“There is always this cynical view of CEOs and CEO compensation. We’re actually coming at it from a different side of the” equation, says Eliezer Fich, Ph.D., associate professor or finance and a co-author of this research study.

Financial News

A Financial News article cites research co-authored by Elizer Fich, Ph.D. associate professor of finance, into the effects of merger bonuses for CEOs.The article says: "Mergers and acquisitions bankers are often criticised for being incentivised to push through a deal, regardless of its merits. Many company chief executives would appear to share the same incentive, according to new research, with close to $200m in deal value left on the table as a result."

6abc - Action News

Frank Linnehan, Ph.D. interim dean of LeBow College, appeared in a 6abc story on the announced merger of US Airways and American Airlines. "When you have less competitive pressure, prices have greater opportunities to fluctuate," Linnehan says, "so in the end, it may actually hurt the consumer."


An article by GlobalPost says that the Monte dei Paschi di Siena bank -- a pillar of Italian finance -- has seen its reputation unsettled by a bailout and a subsequent mismanagement scandal that is casting a long shadow over the country’s upcoming general elections. A Drexel LeBow expert says the most pressing concern is the deep flaws that have been exposed in Italy’s banking system."For the Italian market it has come as a big shock," said Marco Airaudo, assistant professor of economics. "What it has shown is that there is something behind the curtain, it's political and it shows that the way things are done is problematic."

Philadelphia Inquirer

Elason Rose Hollinger is the first female on her father's side in 137 years. What are the chances? One in 512, according to Drexel LeBow's Tom McWilliams, Ph.D.

Philadelphia Business Journal

A Philadelphia Business Journal article quotes Drexel President John Fry on the origins of the University's new Close School of Entrepreneurship. Fry says that after learning the school was a go, “it took less than a second” for him and Drexel Provost Mark Greenberg to name LeBow's Donna De Carolis as the school's inaugural dean.

Find MBA - MBA Programs Worldwide

An article about MBA programs that focus in business analytics quotes Assistant Dean Ron Nordone. “Simply put, companies need to make better strategic decisions, and they need to make the decisions quickly in an ever-evolving environment,” he says.

Strategy + Business

Research on how CEO compensation affects M&A by Drexel LeBow finance faculty members David Becher, Ph.D., Jennifer Juergens, Ph.D., and Jack Vogel, Ph.D., was highlighted in Strategy + Business magazine. They found that stock options lead to more deals, but do not lead to better performance.

Israel National Radio - "Goldstein on Gelt"

Stanley Ridgley, Ph.D., was interviewed on Israel National Radio's "Goldstein on Gelt" show. He talked about what strategic thinking means, how to apply strategic thinking skills and says "strategic thinking doesn't really come naturally."

KYW/CBS Philly

Mark Stehr, Ph.D., associate professor of economics, was quoted in a recent KYW News Radio story about people seeking co-signers for loans on Craigslist. "It seems like a very risky propostion,” he said. "You’re likely to get a scammer."

Fox Business

David Becher, Ph.D., was quoted in an October 22 story about the possibility of former Treasury Secretary Timothy Geithner becoming chairman of Citigroup.

MSN Money

Dr. Daniel Dorn, associate professor of finance, was quoted in an October 9 story on MSN Money about politics and investing.


Drexel LeBow alumnus Randall S. Burkert, chairman of the Dean's Advisory Board and a member of the Drexel University Board of Trustees, has been named Northern Trust's managing director of development for the Northeast region.

The Philadelphia Inquirer

A Philadelphia Inquirer article talks about Drexel's Master Plan for expansion, including the addition of several tall buildings over the new few years such as LeBow's new Business Learning Center.

Bloomberg Businessweek

Bloomberg Businessweek's B-School Twitter Roundup included news Tweeted by LeBow (@LeBow) that the final steel beam was placed atop the steel structure for the College's new building on Aug. 21.

Philadelphia Real Estate Blog

A Philadelphia Real Estate Blog story features the new LeBow College of Business building.

Philadelphia Business Journal

Assistant Dean Ian Sladen is quoted in a Philadelphia Business Journal special report, "Accounting Lags Behind," about the number of minority students majoring in accounting.

Philadelphia Business Journal

LeBow College Junior Skyler Logsdon is featured in a Philadelphia Business Journal story about the Association of Latino Professionals in Finance and Accounting (ALPFA) scholarship that allows him to study finance at Drexel LeBow. Logsdon says he will work with ALPFA to speak to high school students about why finance and accounting are great majors. "I wouldn't be at Drexel without [ALPFA], so it's the least I can do," says Logsdon.

Knowledge@Wharton Today

Daniel Korschun, Ph.D., assistant professor of marketing, is quoted in a Knowledge@Wharton Today article on corporate social responsibility. Korschun says: “We’re seeing the third wave of CSR, and companies are trying to incorporate CSR into the business model. That’s putting the onus on companies and management to find ways to innovate. It’s no longer enough to be somewhat engaged.”

The Seattle Times

Ralph Walkling, Ph.D., a professor and executive director of the Center for Corporate Governance at LeBow College of Business, was quoted in The Seattle Times on June 23 in a story about a company’s “say on pay” votes.

Flying Kite

Flying Kite reports that Baiada Incubator startup Ridaroo has partnered with PECO/Exelon to launch a secure enterprise-wide ride-sharing program.

Bloomberg Businessweek

A LeBow College Tweet about the student-driven Dragon Fund beating the S&P 400 made Bloomberg Businessweek’s B-School Twitter Roundup.

Fox Business

A Fox Business article on the shift toward separating the roles of CEO and chairman quotes Ralph Walkling, PhD, executive director of the Center for Corporate Governance.“It’s sound governance to split the roles,” says Walkling. “I’ve known some CEOs who I thought were pretty darn effective at being chairman of the board. But I still worried about not having the independence and a separate pair of eyes.”

Fox Business

David Becher, Ph.D., associate professor of finance, is quoted in a Fox Business article about support for increased fracking disclosures among Exxon and Chevron's shareholders. He says that if enough shareholder votes favor the proposals, they could lead management to cave in to some petitions before next year's shareholder meetings.

U.S. News & World Report

Ari Winkleman, a senior business administration major, was featured in a May 31 U.S. News & World Report article about students who create start-ups focusing on their peers. Winkleman developed Involvio, a new social management platform for students, in his freshman year at Drexel.

KYW Newsradio

Patricia Connolly, director of LeBow’s Center for Corporate Governance and a member of the Forum of Executive Women, told Philadelphia City Council that the nominating process of many corporate boards becomes a “self-fulfilling exercise” in which a lack of diversity on the board is perpetuated by those who sit on it, as reported by KYW Newsradio.

Jacqueline Garner, Ph.D., associate professor of finance, was quoted in a article about the ramifications of Facebook's misplaced IPO. Says Garner: “Price support went away in a day, and when that price support went away, the true picture was revealed."

The Wall Street Journal

Ralph Walkling, Ph.D., executive director for the Center for Corporate Governance, is quoted in a Wall Street Journal article about Chesapeake Energy cutting its board members' pay."The question is, will the market think that the board is being responsive, or will they think that the board should have been proactive before these issues were raised," Walkling says. "It could be a case of too little, too late."

Fox Business

David Becher Ph.D., associate professor of finance, was quoted in a Fox Business article about the role Facebook COO Sheryl Sandberg has played in the ascent of the social networking site. “Running a publicly-traded company is very different than running a private one,” Becher said. “It’s one thing to talk to other engineers or techs about your company; it’s another thing to talk to Wall Street.”