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Media Mentions


A BusinessWeek article titled “B-School Research Examines the Business of Gift-Giving” cites research by LeBow College assistant professor of marketing George Knox, PhD Knox and two colleagues investigated what percentage of unplanned purchases Europeans shoppers were making vs. planned purchases.

Asbury Park Press

Elliot Schreiber, Ph.D., executive director of LeBow's Center for Corporate Reputation Management, was quoted in an Asbury Park Press story that traces the turbulent past and uncertain future of Johnson and Johnson as the company prepares to launch a new prostate cancer drug. Says Schreiber: “Everyone wanted Johnson & Johnson to be a success because it was the gold standard. It’s no longer a gold standard. They look human."


TechnicallyPhilly posted an article about why the founders of Baiada Center startup CityRyde are moving their headquarters to the Boston area. The company, which focuses on bike sharing initiatives, will also continue to keep office space in the Baiada Incubator.

Harvard Business Review

Paul Green Jr., a LeBow MBA who earned his degree at Drexel's Center for Graduate Studies in Sacramento, is quoted in a Harvard Business Review article about his employer Morning Star Co. and its model of no hierarchy and no titles.“We believe you should do what you’re good at, so we don’t try to fit people into a job,” says Green, who leads the company’s training and development efforts. “As a result, our people have broader and more complicated roles than elsewhere.”

USA Today

A USA Today article titled "Woes for Johnson & Johnson" quotes Elliot Schreiber, Ph.D., executive director of LeBow's Center for Corporate Reputation Management."There are so many mistakes being made now, it is shocking," Schreiber says of J&J, which recently agreed to phase out the use of potentially harmful chemicals from its baby products, including its popular baby shampoo, following mounting pressure from a consumer group.

Hollywood Reporter

David Becher, PhD, associate professor of finance, was quoted in a Hollywood Reporter story about the Murdoch family corporate scandal on November 17. According to Becher, "If the scandal forces News Corp. to adopt adjustments to its governance structure and provide greater transparency, this could be beneficial to shareholders."    

The Philadelphia Inquirer

An article in the Philadelphia Inquirer about a green building conference coming to Philadelphia quotes Elliot Schreiber, PhD, executive director of the Center for Corporate Reputation Management. "Philadelphia is making good progress in terms of green development...but people aren't generally aware of it," Schreiber says. "The mayor talks about it, but the joke is people see it as a few bike lanes. They don't really understand the potential."

Inside Higher Ed

Frank Linnehan, Ph.D., interim executive director of the Sacramento Center for Graduate Studies, was quoted in an Inside Higher Ed story about Northeastern University opening a graduate campus in Charlotte, N.C. Linnehan discussed establishing Drexel’s brand thousands of miles from the original Philadelphia campus.

Fox Business

Ralph Walkling, Ph.D., executive director of LeBow College’s Center for Corporate Governance, was quoted in the Fox Business article “The Disclosure Debate: When Should Companies Reveal Cyber Attacks?”Walkling says, “You’re not going to want to sacrifice anything like reputation to meet short-term results.”  

Technically Philly

A Technically Philly article about Ridaroo announces that the company is launching its app free to Philadelphia area college students. LeBow College grads Aksel Gungor and Andy Guy founded the company in 2010.

Frank Linnehan, PhD, associate dean at Drexel’s LeBow College of Business, was quoted in a article about the efficacy of online mentoring.

Sacramento Press

A recent Sacramento Press article profiles five new Drexel Sacramento faculty members -- including three professors who will teach MBA classes there: Leon Schjoedt, Ph.D., Sally Hamilton, Ph.D., and Kenneth Scislaw, Ph.D.

The Hollywood Reporter and The Sydney Morning Herald

David Becher, PhD, associate professor of finance, was quoted in The Hollywood Reporter on October 20, and in the Sydney Morning Herald on October 22, in articles about the first shareholder meeting of News Corp following the company’s recent phone hacking scandal.

Philadelphia Inquirer

A Philadelphia Inquirer article cited Drexel University's "Smart House" as one of three recipients of the World Green Energy Symposium's NOVA award, which annually honors outstanding contributions in new green-energy alternatives and innovations in existing energy technology.

The Triangle

A Triangle article reports that Drexel LeBow senior Ari Winkleman topped contestants from Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Harvard University, the University of Southern California and Stanford University, winning first prize in an “Innovation Incubator” contest sponsored by Omnicom Group’s OMD and General Electric.His winning startup, called Involvio, is a college-targeted website and smartphone app that debuted at Drexel earlier this month and is currently rolling out to college campuses across the United States.

The Philadelphia Inquirer

A Philadelphia Inquirer article cited Drexel University's "Smart House" as one of three recipients of the World Green Energy Symposium's NOVA award, which annually honors outstanding contributions in new green-energy alternatives and innovations in existing energy technology.

The Philadelphia Inquirer

A Philadelphia Inquirer article on the economic crisis in Greece quotes Dean George Tsetsekos, who downplays the popular notion that Mediterranean cultures are less disciplined about work because their warm, sunny weather encourages slackerdom. In summarizing the stereotype, Tsetsekos says: "You have sunrise and sunset in such a way that you have plenty of time to go outdoors, to go swimming, to do other things, as opposed to being in a Nordic country, where you have only three days of daylight, and therefore you are confined to a particular activity and you tend to be more productive."

Fox Business

Ralph Walkling, PhD, executive director of LeBow’s Center for Corporate Governance, was quoted in a Fox Business story about Chelsea Clinton’s appointment to the board of directors at IAC.“It is not clear to me that the advising role here is best filled by someone with Chelsea’s talents, nor is it clear that such talents are best placed on the board level,” says Walkling.

Philadelphia Business Journal

David Becher, PhD, associate professor of finance, was quoted in a PBJ article titled "CEO Pay: Best Bang for Buck."

Philadelphia Business Journal

Entrepreneurship education at LeBow College of Business was highlighted in a Philadelphia Business Journal article about the rise of startups among business students. Donna De Carolis, PhD, associate dean for strategic initiatives and head of the Management department, was quoted. The article also mentions that Drexel was recently ranked 15th in the country on The Princeton Review & Entrepreneur magazine’s list of graduate programs for entrepreneurship.

The New York Times

Mark Stehr, PhD, associate professor of economics, was quoted in a New York Times article about the easement of alcohol sales laws to raise additional revenue. “These are kind of antitax times, so it’s tough to raise any kind of tax, but this is one they might have more success with,” said Mark Stehr, an associate professor of economics at Drexel University in Philadelphia who has studied the effects of taxes and other regulations on cigarettes and alcohol.

The Wall Street Journal

Ralph Walkling, Ph.D., executive director of the Center for Corporate Governance, was quoted in a Wall Street Journal article about the shifting blame for Yahoo's lack of revenue from Chief Executive Carol Bartzto Chairman Roy Bostock.The Yahoo chairman's actions, including firing Ms. Bartz, "appear to be too little too late," Walkling says.


Mark Loschiavo, executive director of the Laurence A. Baiada Center for Entrepreneurship at LeBow College, was quoted in an article about people who are opting to open start-up businesses during the economic downturn."There's a cyclical element of economic downturns where people are almost forced into entrepreneurial pursuits because they were forced out of their jobs," said Loschiavo.

Philadelphia Business Journal

Ralph Walkling, Ph.D., executive director of LeBow College's Center for Corporate Governance, was quoted in a PBJ article about activist shareholder activity within the company Checkpoint Systems.

Gregory Wright, a 2011 graduate of LeBow College's Executive MBA program, was recently named superintendent of Bristol Borough School District.“Traditionally, if you wanted to be a superintendent, you got a doctorate degree, but I decided to get an MBA instead and I feel very confident that what I got out of that experience is going to make me a much better superintendent,” Wright says. “I think a business degree is valuable to a superintendent. In addition to everything else about finances, there is also a lot of leadership training involved in getting an MBA. It’s really an all-encompassing kind of educational experience.”

NBC 10

NBC 10 did a segment featuring FlopTopz, a company currently incubating at LeBow College's Baiada Center for Entrepreneurship.FlopTopz, created by Donna Hill, makes insoles for flip-flops.

Voice America

Elliot Schreiber, Ph.D., executive director of the Center for Corporate Reputation Management, spoke to Voice America on the topic of rebuilding trust in business. "The idea that a corporation has commanded control over their reputation is long gone. With all the blogs and 24-hour information, the reputation of a company comes not only from inside the company but clearly comes from a whole unity of folks looking outside in."

Flying Kite Media

Dylan Kenny of OutPlay Technologies, a startup currently residing in the Laurence A. Baiada Center for Entrepreneurship's Incubator space, is featured in an article about entrepreneurs under the age of 25.

The Philadelphia Inquirer

George Tsetsekos, Ph.D., dean of the LeBow College of Business, was quoted in a Philadelphia Inquirer column comparing the U.S. debt crisis to the economic problems in Greece.Tsetsekos says failure to raise the U.S. debt limit and subsequent downgrade would be "in the short term, a catastrophe."